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Season 1 Trailer: The Regeneration Will Be Funded

18th Jun 2024 Gemini 1.5 Pro

Reimagining the Economic System

Matthew Monahan sets the stage for the podcast by introducing the core theme: the intersection of regenerative finance, technology, and the living planet. He emphasizes the need to reimagine the economic system to prioritize life over profit, a concept that underpins the entire series. Monahan sees the current economic system as inherently flawed, driving us towards ecological collapse due to its emphasis on profit maximization at the expense of environmental well-being.

The podcast aims to explore how we can shift from this extractive model to one that incentivizes and values the flourishing of our planet. It challenges listeners to envision an economic system that operates in harmony with nature, rather than against it.

Let's imagine instead an economic system that not only values the flourishing of our living planet but also incentivizes it.

Addressing the Root Cause: Money

Monahan argues that tackling the ecological crisis requires addressing the fundamental issue of money itself. He believes that the current financial system, with its focus on short-term gains and disregard for long-term sustainability, is a major contributor to the environmental problems we face.

The podcast seeks to delve into how we can restructure our financial systems to support regenerative practices and promote ecological well-being. This involves exploring innovative financial instruments, alternative currencies, and new economic models that align with ecological principles.

Conversations with Leaders

The first season features over 50 conversations with leaders and innovators in the regenerative economy movement, recorded at various influential events. These conversations offer diverse perspectives on the challenges and opportunities within the field, providing listeners with a comprehensive understanding of the emerging trends and cutting-edge solutions.

By bringing together these diverse voices, the podcast aims to foster collaboration and inspire action among listeners.

Access and Availability

Monahan emphasizes the podcast's accessibility, making it clear that all conversations are available for free on various platforms. This commitment to open access reflects the podcast's mission to democratize knowledge and empower individuals to participate in the regenerative finance movement.

Listeners can access the content through the maearth.com website, YouTube, popular podcast platforms, and social media networks.

The Urgency of Funding Regeneration

The title, "The Regeneration Will Be Funded," highlights the critical importance of financial resources in driving the shift towards a regenerative future. Monahan firmly believes that adequate funding is essential to scale up existing solutions and accelerate the transition to a more sustainable and equitable world.

Because it must be funded, the current economic system prioritizes profit over life and is leading us on a trajectory towards collapse.