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Introducing Ma Earth Grants Round 1

18th Jun 2024 Gemini 1.5 Pro

Regenerative Land Projects Take Center Stage

The inaugural Ma Earth Grants Round is funding community-led regenerative land projects worldwide, aiming to distribute $100,000 from the Biome Trust. The chosen projects showcase a diverse range of initiatives, from safeguarding heritage seeds and planting native trees in New Zealand to bolstering biodiversity monitoring in California. These endeavors extend to agroforestry and food security programs in the Amazon rainforest and even encompass a scholarship fund for water protectors in Costa Rica. The selection reflects a global tapestry of regenerative efforts.

This round isn't just about funding; it's about empowering communities. It champions a diverse array of projects demonstrating the power of local action in addressing global challenges. The initiative highlights the importance of supporting grassroots efforts and underscores the interconnectedness of ecosystems and communities worldwide.

Examples include heritage seed saving and native tree planting in New Zealand. biodiversity monitoring in California, agroforestry and food resilience projects in the Amazon rainforest, a scholarship solidarity fund for water protectors in Costa Rica, and so much more, a beautiful kaleidoscope of regenerative efforts happening around our planet. And now we need you to decide how much of these matching funds go to which projects.

The Power of Quadratic Funding

Ma Earth has adopted a novel approach to crowdfunding called quadratic funding. Unlike traditional models that prioritize projects raising the most money, quadratic funding prioritizes community support.

This method emphasizes the number of individual contributions to a project rather than the total amount raised. In essence, every donation becomes a vote, amplifying the impact of smaller donations and ensuring a more equitable distribution of funds. This democratic approach empowers individuals to directly influence the allocation of resources, fostering a sense of collective ownership and responsibility for environmental regeneration.

We're using an approach called quadratic funding, which is a community crowdfunding campaign which matches your donations. But instead of just rewarding the projects that raise the most money, quadratic funding looks at how many people contribute to each project. In other words, every donation is a vote.

Navigating the World of Gitcoin and Web3

Ma Earth leverages the Gitcoin platform, a Web3-powered crowdfunding platform, to facilitate transparent and efficient fund distribution. Gitcoin, built on blockchain technology, enables secure, peer-to-peer transactions, ensuring funds reach the intended recipients directly without intermediaries. This decentralized approach aligns with Ma Earth's vision of empowering communities and promoting transparency in funding allocation.

However, participating in this round requires a crypto wallet, which might seem daunting to those unfamiliar with Web3 technologies. Despite the initial learning curve, the speaker emphasizes that these systems are continuously improving and encourages participation as a valuable step towards supporting a worthy cause.

Gitcoin runs on Web3 blockchains, which is what enables us to distribute the funds transparently, peer-to-peer, quadratically, instantly, and globally. That means to participate in the Ma Earth Grants Round, you will need a crypto wallet. So if you've been waiting to get involved in Web3, this is an opportunity to do so for a great cause.

Embracing a Regenerative Future

Ma Earth's vision extends beyond simply funding projects; it aims to reshape the relationship between finance and environmental health. They argue that Web3 technologies can play a crucial role in directing capital towards local land stewardship and regeneration efforts, driving a more equitable and sustainable future.

Ma Earth's commitment to transparency and community engagement sets an example for how organizations can leverage technology to create positive change. This initiative underscores the growing movement towards a more decentralized and participatory model of philanthropy, empowering individuals to become active agents of environmental regeneration.

Our vision is to align economic incentives with planetary health. We want to move more capital into local land stewardship and regeneration. And our thesis is that Web3 has a lot to offer this movement now and in the future.

Call to Action: Join the Regeneration Revolution

The speaker concludes with a powerful call to action, urging listeners to participate in the Ma Earth Grants Round and contribute to the regeneration revolution. With the deadline looming, individuals are encouraged to explore the diverse projects and cast their votes through donations.

Ma Earth's message is clear: the time for action is now. By supporting these projects, individuals can become part of a global movement working towards a healthier, more sustainable future. Every contribution, regardless of size, contributes to a larger collective effort to heal the planet and create a more just and equitable world.

And if you need some extra assistance, you can go to our website for step-by-step tutorials, as well as a community of practice and support that's here for you. To get started, just go to maearth.com slash grants and explore the many amazing projects that are a part of this first round.