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Intro to The Regeneration Will Be Funded - Season 2

18th Jun 2024 Gemini 1.5 Pro

This podcast episode offers an introduction to season two of "The Regeneration Will Be Funded" with host Matthew Monahan. In this episode, Monahan outlines his motivations for creating the podcast, the topics he plans to explore, and the guests he hopes to feature. He emphasizes the urgency of addressing the ecological crisis and his belief in the potential of regenerative finance and technology to contribute to solutions.

The Urgency of the Ecological Crisis and the Need for a New Economic Paradigm

Monahan begins by highlighting the dire state of the planet, underscoring the devastating impact human activity has had on biodiversity and the environment. He points to alarming statistics, such as the loss of 70% of the population of other species in the last 50 years, and the increasing frequency of extreme weather events like fires and floods.

Monahan argues that our current economic system is unsustainable and incompatible with the conditions necessary for life. He sees a pressing need for a new economic paradigm that values nature and incentivizes regeneration rather than extraction. He asks, "How do we reimagine our economy to be in service to life? How do we recognize nature's inherent rights and create incentives for regeneration?"

This new economic paradigm, according to Monahan, should prioritize relationality and reciprocity over commodification, shift power and stewardship to local communities, and ensure equitable access to resources and opportunities. He sees the regenerative economy movement as a crucial step in this direction.

The Potential of Technology in Building a Regenerative Economy

Monahan believes that emerging technologies such as Web3, blockchain, machine learning, and remote sensing hold significant potential for facilitating the transition to a regenerative economy. He emphasizes that while technology alone is not a panacea and can create new challenges, it can be a powerful tool when used appropriately.

He sees the potential of these technologies to transform economic systems by encoding values and ethics into their design: "By encoding our values and ethics into these new monetary blueprints, we can build a regenerative economy, one that's win-win and serves the well-being of people and planet." He is particularly interested in exploring how these technologies can be leveraged to value nature without commodifying it, build on existing efforts, and address social and historical inequities.

"The Regeneration Will Be Funded" Podcast: Amplifying the Voices of the Movement

Monahan describes "The Regeneration Will Be Funded" as a platform for sharing the stories and insights of individuals at the forefront of the regenerative economy movement. He aims to provide a space for diverse voices, including founders, builders, philanthropists, nonprofit leaders, farmers, land defenders, researchers, filmmakers, and those working at the intersection of crypto and climate.

He emphasizes the collaborative nature of the podcast, acknowledging the contributions of the production team, guests, and listeners: "This series is the first expression of our work, but we have many plans and dreams for what more we can build in the future." He encourages listener engagement and participation, inviting feedback, contributions, and collaboration on future projects.

Season One Highlights and Future Plans for Season Two

Monahan reflects on the success of the first season, which featured over 50 interviews with leaders and innovators in the regenerative economy space. He expresses gratitude to his guests for their willingness to share their expertise and experiences. He also highlights the podcast's availability across various platforms, including traditional social media, podcast networks, and decentralized Web3 platforms like Lens Protocol, Farcaster, and Mirror.

Looking ahead to season two, Monahan shares his plans to host more in-person conversations from his new studio in New Zealand. He is particularly excited about the opportunity to delve deeper into specific projects and initiatives that are demonstrating the potential of regenerative economics in action.

A Call to Action: Embracing the Spirit of Active Participation

Monahan concludes the episode with a call to action, drawing inspiration from the civil rights movement's slogan "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised." He emphasizes that the transition to a regenerative economy requires active participation from everyone: "This is a nod to 'The Revolution Will Not Be Televised,' which was a poem and song by Gil Scott Herron and a popular slogan in the civil rights movement, which was saying, 'We cannot be passive participants. We must be active in the revolution. We all have a role to play, and that is the spirit of the message that we carry as well.'"

He urges listeners to join the movement, engage in the conversation, and contribute to building a more just and sustainable future. He leaves listeners with a message of hope and determination, emphasizing that collective action can create a future where humanity and nature thrive in harmony.