What is this?

Indigenous people, or First Peoples, are those who have maintained a close and long-standing relationship to the land, water, and atmosphere from time immemorial in their respective territories, and who identify strongly with the ancestral knowledge, culture and language passed down through generations. They have often experienced social and political oppression, marginalization, and exclusion. Indigenous people seek to protect their traditional territories and ways of life and often strive to live in respectful solidarity with the environment. By respecting and affirming the rights and identities of Indigenous people, they can be empowered to continue to contribute to the shared vision of reconciliation and social justice.

See also: indigenous community, relational justice, cultural supremacy, global south, human right

Gesturing towards decolonial futures by Professor Vanessa Andreotti 150

Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures 150

Gorca Earth Care Summer Program 123

Global education in times of unprecedented changes - Vanessa Andreotti keynote address #GCE 91

EP13. Vanessa Andreotti (Part 2): Sober up, Clean up, Show up 88

Deep Adaption with Vanessa Andreotti hosted by Jem Bendell: Social Dreaming 69