What is this?

Suffering can be thought of as an experience of pain, suffering, distress or psychological distress, that has a negative, disruptive impact on one's quality of life. It is an inherently individual experience, and can involve physical, emotional, mental and/or spiritual elements. It ranges from the less intense experience of feeling distressed, to intense and incapacitating pain, distress or emotional torture. It involves both a cognitive appraisal of one's experience and its emotional impact, and may be associated with a feeling of helplessness or powerlessness in the face of whatever is causing suffering. It is often associated with a sense of meaninglessness, alienation, and lack of control. Suffering can be caused by acute or chronic experiences, such as physical illness, mental illness, disability, or social and systemic disadvantage.

See also: dependent origination, compassion practice, insight meditation, bodily experience, loving kindness

Freedom from Fear and Anxiety (Introduction) - (Cambridge Day Retreats) 1 mention

Samadhi - (November Solitary) 1 mention

Heat and the Material - (Four Circles, Four Parables of Stone and Light) 1 mention

The Imaginal-Energy Body (Q & A) - (Roots into the Ground of Soul) 1 mention

Sensing with Soul (Part 5) - (The Mirrored Gates) 1 mention

The Theatre of Selves (Part Three) - (November Solitary) 1 mention

Tending the Flame - (Re-enchanting the Cosmos: The Poetry of Perception) 1 mention

Instructions on the Mindfulness of Thought - (New Year Retreat) 1 mention

Opening, Tuning, and Relating to the Imaginal: Instructions (2) - (Path of the Imaginal) 1 mention

Wise Responses to the Hindrances - (November Solitary) 1 mention