What is this?

Mutually dependent is a concept that describes a dynamic system in which two or more agents interact in a way that is interdependent and essential for their continued functioning and flourishing. This system encapsulates a mutual dependency between the components and can be seen at both the micro- and macro-levels. At the micro-level, it describes the reciprocal and intertwined relationships between individuals, while at the macro-level, it describes the way that two or more social systems or societies are mutually interdependent.

See also: dependent origination, mutual dependency, insight practice, metta practice, loving kindness

A Sacred Universe: Insight, Theophany, Cosmopoesis (Part 1) - (Path of the Imaginal) 1 mention

Healing the Imagination (Q & A) - (Re-enchanting the Cosmos: The Poetry of Perception) 1 mention

Sensing with Soul (Part 4) - (The Mirrored Gates) 1 mention

Beyond the Prison of Self (Part Two) - (Day Retreat, London Insight) 1 mention

Practising with Death and Dying - (In Psyche's Orchard) 1 mention

Two Talks: 1- Mindfulness and Emptiness - The Foundations; 2- The Ending of the World -... 1 mention

Exploring the Relationship with Practice - (Meditation on Emptiness) 1 mention

From Feelings to Freedom (Exploring Vedana) - (November Solitary) 1 mention

A Sacred Universe: Insight, Theophany, Cosmopoesis (Part 4) - (Path of the Imaginal) 1 mention