Last updated almost 2 years ago. What is this?

Mutual dependency refers to the intricate and relational interweaving of all phenomena, where each aspect of existence is contingent upon and interpenetrates others, reflecting a profound interconnectedness. In this view, the notion of independent, isolated entities dissolves, revealing instead a dynamic dance of co-arising and co-ceasing conditions. When we perceive the world through the lens of mutual dependency, we begin to understand that our very being is sustained by an ever-unfolding network of relationships, not separate from but intimately part of the wholeness of life. This perspective invites a sense of humility, compassion, and responsibility, as we recognize our participation in a delicate web that sustains us all, inviting us to approach life with greater sensitivity and a deeper sense of unity.

See also: mutually dependent, dependent origination, conceptual framework, provisional truth, relative truth

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