What is this?

Guided meditation is a form of mindfulness-based meditation that involves an external focus – normally using verbal instructions – to bring the practitioner’s attention to the present moment. It’s an accessible practice that emphasizes awareness of bodily sensations, thoughts and emotions as they arise. It encourages presence with whatever is arising in this moment, without judgement, and helps to promote mental clarity, insight and inner peace. Through sustained and repeated practice a person can access their inner world with greater clarity and insight, which can lead to more balanced thinking, decision making and emotion regulation.

See also: insight meditation, metta practice, walking meditation, compassion practice, samadhi practice

Orienting to This Jhana Retreat - (Practising the Jhānas) 1 mention

Fourth Morning Instructions - (The Art of Concentration (Samatha Meditation)) 1 mention

Mindfulness and Myth - (Re-enchanting the Cosmos: The Poetry of Perception) 1 mention

Q&A (am) - (Day Retreat, London Insight) 1 mention

First Morning Instructions and Guided Meditation - (The Art of Concentration (Samatha Meditation)) 1 mention

Talk Three: Wise Effort and Wise Attachment - (The Art of Concentration (Samatha Meditation)) 1 mention

Maps for the Journey (A Brief Overview) - (Meditation on Emptiness) 1 mention

Dukkha and Soulmaking (Part 1) - (The Mirrored Gates) 1 mention

Working with the Emotional Body (Instructions and Guided Meditation: Day Six) - (The Boundless... 1 mention

Opening the Sense of the Energy Body - (Four Circles, Four Parables of Stone and Light) 1 mention