What is this?

A hierarchy is a system of relationships, often between individuals or organizations, established in accordance with a particular hierarchy of rank or authority. This established order allows for differentiation of roles, responsibilities, and access to resources within a particular structure, and is often seen as a way to organize a large, often complex, number of actors and actions for efficient decision-making, organization, and operation. Hierarchies are especially relevant in fields like business, government, and education, and can be both beneficial and problematic, when not applied with thoughtful consideration.

See also: power dynamics, decision making, social justice, transformational leadership, community building

058. Richard Bartlett: Decentralized by Design 44

Participatory Organising: From Co-op to Network to Mass Movement by Richard D. Bartlett 43

Book Club - Better Work Together - Meeting #6 - Q&A with Richard D. Bartlett 37

Ep. 58 Richard D. Bartlett and Natalia Lombardo from The Hum | Leadermorphosis 9

058. Richard Bartlett: Decentralized by Design 2