What is this?

Warm data is an evolving framework for attending to complexity in our lives and the world around us. It starts from the premise that learning from systems is a creative, process-driven enquiry, an exploration of relationships, and an experiment in dialogical perspectives. Warm data activates relational, dynamic information from an experiential perspective and can lead towards emergence, engagement and transformation. Warm data helps us to understand complexity through cultivating richer stories and creative interchanges in an attempt to build understanding across disciplines and beyond.

See also: complex system, systems theory, systems thinking, relational process, contextual process

Nora Bateson in Conversation, Day 5 PP@COP26 680

EODF 2018 - Nora Bateson - Keynote Speach and Q&A - Live Stream 666

Apocalipstick | Nora Bateson & Phoebe Tickell | What happens to the ecology when ideas are stolen? 595

Nora Bateson - “Aphanipoiesis” 193

Episode 50 - Panel w/ Kate Raworth, Nora Bateson, Joe Brewer, Daniel Wahl, and Jason Snyder 103

Metamodern Spirituality | Advancing the Stage Theory Debate (w/ Daniel Görtz & Nora Bateson) 60