What is this?

Relationship is an interdependent connection between two or more entities that manifests through their physical, emotional and/or spiritual interactions and transactions. It is a system, an ecology - a reciprocal energy, transaction and exchange between or among people, places, things, or ideas. It is also a type of intelligence that can be observed, examined and mapped within communities, societies and the environment. In order to better understand relationships, we must understand the context in which they exist - the ways that various forms of energy, communication, and knowledge are shared, negotiated, questioned, and accepted within those systems.

See also: love, relational process, systems theory, gregory bateson, complexity

Session #3 with Nora Bateson — Thought Leadership for Systems Transformation (TLST '22) 816

Nora Bateson, familjeterapikongress 2018 808

What Gets Left Behind in the Hallway of Hallways: Session 4 w/ Nora Bateson 768

HoloChats Nora Bateson 739

Nora Bateson - Deal with problems in a linear way? 739

The inconvenience of systems thinking - Nora Bateson, Peter Jones, Derek Cabrera, Benjamin P Taylor 728

Panel Gregory Bateson | Nora Bateson & Dr. Stephen Gilligan - Moderation Dr. Philip Streit 722

HoloChats with Matthew Schutte and Nora Bateson 717

What Gets Left Behind in the Hallway of Hallways: Session 2 w/ Nora Bateson 717

Warm Data | Nora Bateson | RAIDI Summit 2019 696