What is this?

Relational process is a term that speaks to the complex nature of reality, taking account of interdependent relationships and the unpredictable outcomes that may emerge from them. Node-based networks such as ecological systems, communities, and families, require us to move away from linear, reductionist thinking and towards a complex adaptive system of understanding. Relational process focuses on the how interactions amongst relationships create patterns of meaning that emerge and evolve within a system. Ultimately, it is these patterns that generate unique outcomes, as well as provide insight into these dependencies and feedbacks that make up the living, interdependencies of our world.

See also: mutual learning, gregory bateson, complex system, systems theory, systems thinking

What Gets Left Behind in the Hallway of Hallways: Session 2 w/ Nora Bateson 717

HoloChats with Matthew Schutte and Nora Bateson 717

Warm Data | Nora Bateson | RAIDI Summit 2019 696

What Gets Left Behind in the Hallway of Hallways: Session 3 w/ Nora Bateson 687

Nora Bateson in Conversation, Day 5 PP@COP26 680

EODF 2018 - Nora Bateson - Keynote Speach and Q&A - Live Stream 666

Voces de la Tierra - 2 - Nora Bateson 388