Last updated over 1 year ago. What is this?

A relational process, as envisioned by Nora Bateson, refers to the dynamic and interconnected flow of interactions and relationships that form the fabric of our lived experiences. It is an evolving tapestry where meaning and context are constantly co-produced through the intricate web of human and ecological interdependencies. In this view, understanding unfolds not in isolation but through the interconnectedness of individuals, communities, and environments, where each interaction influences and is influenced by the others. This perspective emphasizes that knowledge and learning are emergent properties of relationships, situated in complex adaptive systems that are continuously in flux. By recognizing the fluid and reciprocal nature of relational processes, we appreciate the depth and nuance that inform our collective existence, fostering a sense of belonging and co-creation in the ongoing dance of life.

See also: mutual learning, gregory bateson, complex system, systems theory, systems thinking

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