Last updated almost 2 years ago. What is this?

Mutual learning, as conceptualized by Nora Bateson, is an emergent and co-constructive process wherein individuals or groups engage in a dynamic interplay of sharing, questioning, and exploring perspectives. This process transcends simple knowledge transfer and becomes an intricate dance of reciprocal influence, where each participant’s understanding is reshaped and enriched through the interconnections and relational exchanges with others. Mutual learning thrives on the fluidity of contexts, the complexity of human experience, and the recognition that learning is not a linear transaction but an evolving, systemic interaction. It acknowledges that knowledge is not static but rather a living, co-created entity that continually adapts and grows through intersubjective engagement.

See also: relational process, complex system, systems theory, systems thinking, contextual process

Systems, Contexts, Frames and Patterns: A Reading and Conversation With Nora Bateson 8,133

Climate Crisis: Why Everyone Is Confused - Nora Bateson 6,128

Understanding Complexity | Nora Bateson | Conference on Future Education 5,944

Nora Bateson: “Complexity Between the Lines” | The Great Simplification #10 5,382

What We Get Wrong About Social Change - Nora Bateson 3,541

Nora Bateson and Gil Friend: Inner Ecology—Thinking Through the Mess 2,399

Body and Soul: An Ecology of Communication w/ Nora Bateson and Diane Musho Hamilton 2,289

Stages & Development Series - ft. Nora Bateson, Maimunah Mosli, Jon Freeman [Mutations Panel 1] 2,047

Dialogos with warm data w/ Nora Bateson and Tim Adalin- Voices with Vervaeke 1,873

Awakening The World Teacher | Nora Bateson, John Vervaeke & Tim Adalin 1,808