What is this?

Multiple contexts is an understanding of complex systems that highlights the presence of multiple interrelated contexts with nonlinear interactions between them. It is the concept that any one system is so deeply embedded with other systems and stories that it can not be accurately comprehended without considering the entirety of the entangled relationships. It is the recognition that an examination of any one context, or any one variable or even any one system, only offers an incomplete and ultimately distorted view of the truth. Thus, complete understanding requires taking account of the multiple perspectives existing within each system itself, as well as the broader context into which it is embedded. To understand the complexity of the whole, we must interpret and learn from the many different contexts and interrelationships that exist between them.

See also: mutual learning, complex system, systems theory, systems thinking, multiple perspectives

Praxis to Collective Wisdom w/ Bonnitta Roy, Nora Bateson, and Ria Baeck 1,861

What Gets Left Behind in the Hallway of Hallways: Session 1 w/ Nora Bateson 1,834

Awakening The World Teacher | Nora Bateson, John Vervaeke & Tim Adalin 1,808

An Ecology of Mind. Nora Bateson & Guy Sengstock 1,505

Unanswered Questions w/ Nora Bateson 1,452

How can we make relationships that build life? w/ Nora Bateson 1,035

Session #3 with Nora Bateson — Thought Leadership for Systems Transformation (TLST '22) 816

What Gets Left Behind in the Hallway of Hallways: Session 4 w/ Nora Bateson 768

Panel Gregory Bateson | Nora Bateson & Dr. Stephen Gilligan - Moderation Dr. Philip Streit 722