What is this?

Love can be defined as a profound emotion of connection between individuals or beings that encourages the recognition of each other’s inherent worth, wholeness, and uniqueness. It operates within a complex set of dimensions that transcend the simple notion of pleasure, including compassion, kindness, appreciation, affection, and discernment—all of which are shaped and sustained by mutuality and connectedness. Love creates bridges between the known and the unknown, inviting us to explore our boundaries and the possibilities beyond them. This human experience can flow and flex, bridge experience and boundaries, and break open and create meaning.

See also: relationship, life, conversation, perception, systems thinking

When meaning loses its meaning - a conversation with Nora Bateson & 3,078

Nora Bateson and Gil Friend: Inner Ecology—Thinking Through the Mess 2,399

Body and Soul: An Ecology of Communication w/ Nora Bateson and Diane Musho Hamilton 2,289

Conversation with Nora Bateson 2,085

Stages & Development Series - ft. Nora Bateson, Maimunah Mosli, Jon Freeman [Mutations Panel 1] 2,047

Deep Code Dialogos: Session 4 w/ Jordan Hall, Nora Bateson, Greg Thomas, Rich Bartlett, and more 2,046

Dialogos with warm data w/ Nora Bateson and Tim Adalin- Voices with Vervaeke 1,873

Praxis to Collective Wisdom w/ Bonnitta Roy, Nora Bateson, and Ria Baeck 1,861

What Gets Left Behind in the Hallway of Hallways: Session 1 w/ Nora Bateson 1,834

Awakening The World Teacher | Nora Bateson, John Vervaeke & Tim Adalin 1,808