What is this?

Living systems are complex adaptive networks of intricate organic relationships and systemic dynamics in which context and behaviour are continuously emergent within a web of interdependent feedback loops and multidimensional interactions. It is through this dynamic flow of energy, information, material and meaning that living systems exhibit a wide range of behaviours, ranging from the microcosmic (e.g. a single cell) to the macrocosmic (e.g. an entire ecosystem). They are the source of life’s evolution, perpetual novelty, growth and increasing complexity – and the ultimate expression of nonlinearity in nature.

See also: complexity, life, relationship, systems thinking, ecology

Body and Soul: An Ecology of Communication w/ Nora Bateson and Diane Musho Hamilton 2,289

Stages & Development Series - ft. Nora Bateson, Maimunah Mosli, Jon Freeman [Mutations Panel 1] 2,047

Nora Bateson: The Body as a system 1,145

Earth Regeneration Q&A - Joe Brewer & Nora Bateson 1,134

Nora Bateson - Live Q&A 1,083

Peter Hawkins Nora Bateson Interview v1 843

Session #3 with Nora Bateson — Thought Leadership for Systems Transformation (TLST '22) 816

Nora Bateson, familjeterapikongress 2018 808

What Gets Left Behind in the Hallway of Hallways: Session 4 w/ Nora Bateson 768