What is this?

A human being is a complex, self-reflexive, creative agent - a living and embodied being of immeasurable vitality and possibility. Drawing on our faculty for agency and abstraction, we are capable of creating, interacting, and forming relationships with our environment, others and ourselves. Not some static, predetermined entity, but an organism continually unfolding and growing, we co-create our lives in synergy with our surroundings. Whether we step in and out repeatedly of our own definitions and boundaries or appreciate ourselves in a wider, non-dualistic context, these moments of self-realization are opportunities to affect meaningful change in our lives, affecting our personal and collective destinies.

See also: living system, complex system, relationship, conversation, love

Session #3 with Nora Bateson — Thought Leadership for Systems Transformation (TLST '22) 816

Nora Bateson, familjeterapikongress 2018 808

Panel Gregory Bateson | Nora Bateson & Dr. Stephen Gilligan - Moderation Dr. Philip Streit 722

What Gets Left Behind in the Hallway of Hallways: Session 2 w/ Nora Bateson 717

HoloChats with Matthew Schutte and Nora Bateson 717

What Gets Left Behind in the Hallway of Hallways: Session 3 w/ Nora Bateson 687

Nora Bateson in Conversation, Day 5 PP@COP26 680

The colonisation of knowledge: an interview with Nora Bateson 669

Episode 50 - Panel w/ Kate Raworth, Nora Bateson, Joe Brewer, Daniel Wahl, and Jason Snyder 103

Metamodern Spirituality | Advancing the Stage Theory Debate (w/ Daniel Görtz & Nora Bateson) 60