What is this?

Gregory Bateson was a polymath whose body of work encompasses an expansive range of disciplines including ecology, anthropology, semiotics, psychology and visual communication. In every domain of study, Bateson endeavored to capture and communicate patterns of holistic thinking and connective relationship. His explicit interest in the interdependent nature of life gave rise to the concept of ‘ecology of mind’ - his overarching principle being that healthy, holistic approaches to life rely on being aware of the connections between systems, elements, and the environment. Bateson believed that the methodologies of family and systemic therapy, which recognized the relationships between people and their environments, were useful for further understanding and intervention.

See also: mutual learning, general semantics, living system, systems theory, double bind

4 - Nora Bateson - What is Mind? - 7th CPH Open Dialogue Meet - March 6, 2015 4,367

Nora Bateson: introduction to An Ecology of Mind and context 3,323

Nora Bateson -- On Gregory Bateson and Lynn Hoffman 2,596

Nora Bateson and Gil Friend: Inner Ecology—Thinking Through the Mess 2,399

Deep Code Dialogos: Session 4 w/ Jordan Hall, Nora Bateson, Greg Thomas, Rich Bartlett, and more 2,046

Nora Bateson Clean Language Conference 2014 Video 1,206

Nora Bateson - Live Q&A 1,083