What is this?

For Nora Bateson, conversation is more than the exchange of verbal information. It is an ongoing interplay of mutually informative and inspiring dynamics. Conversations are dynamic expressions of relationship, offering a distinct connection between self and other that can enable mutual understanding, reflection and learning. Held in a safe space, where assumptions of knowledge, right and wrong, and power are suspended, conversations are creative exchanges that bring together the unique perspectives, feelings and potential of the individuals involved. A space of co-learning and co-discovery, conversations cultivate the conditions for new insights and possibilities.

See also: relational process, systems theory, complexity, relationship

Episode 50 - Panel w/ Kate Raworth, Nora Bateson, Joe Brewer, Daniel Wahl, and Jason Snyder 103

Metamodern Spirituality | Advancing the Stage Theory Debate (w/ Daniel Görtz & Nora Bateson) 60