Last updated over 1 year ago. What is this?

Nate Hagens characterizes the 'supply chain' as an intricate network of processes and resources that transform raw materials into finished products, distributing them to consumers. From his systems perspective, he emphasizes that supply chains are not just linear sequences but complex webs involving extraction, production, transportation, and consumption stages. Each link in the chain is interconnected with others, influenced by energy inputs, economic activities, and human labor. Hagens underscores the fragility and resilience of supply chains, stressing how they are susceptible to disruptions from resource depletion, geopolitical tensions, and environmental crises. He views supply chains as essential lifelines of modern civilization, encapsulating the deep interdependencies that sustain human societies while also exposing vulnerabilities in a hyper-connected world.

See also: fossil fuel, economic growth, nuclear power, carbon pulse, renewable energy

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