What is this?

Social media refers to an interconnected network of online platforms, websites, and applications designed for people to create and share user-generated content such as videos, images, and messages, online. This technology allows for accelerated communication, increased access to information and opportunity, and real-time engagement between individuals, organizations, and communities in a new and unprecedented way. Ultimately, social media empowers its users to amplify their voice, express themselves, and participate in their own knowledge-sharing networks.

See also: climate model, ecological economics, renewable energy, design principles

Steve Vavrus: "Arctic Fever? Taking the Arctic’s Temperature" | The Great Simplification #35 3,327

Chuck Watson “From MAD to NUTS: Risk, Nukes, & Climate Change” | The Great Simplification #04 3,283

Daniel Pauly: “Peak Fish and Other Ocean Realities” | The Great Simplification #15 3,110

John Gowdy: “Superorganisms, Crazy Ants, and Fire Apes, Oh My!" | The Great Simplification #14 2,891

Joan Diamond: "From Kool-aid to Lemonade" | The Great Simplification #28 2,406

Richard Gephardt “Democracy: Old School vs New Reality” | The Great Simplification #01 2,061

Dr. Shanna Swan “Sperm and Our Future” | The Great Simplification #02 1,673

The Human Being | Part 03 of 04 | The Great Simplification Animated Series 1,551

Daniel Schmachtenberger On Why The Answer to All the Problems is All of the Solutions 29