What is this?

The natural world is a complex web of interconnecting ecosystems, organisms, and landscapes that are continually adapting to one another. It is characterized by a complex network of symbiotic relationships and an interconnected web of elements that has been sustained over a long period of time. This interconnectedness and the lineages of species and the balance of organisms illustrate the beauty and complexity of nature. It reminds us of the vital importance of preserving the natural environment and its vital components, such as air, water, soil, plants, and animals. The natural world is an expression of both ecological and evolutionary processes and is also a source of inspiration and awe for humanity.

See also: carrying capacity, ecological economics, renewable energy, fossil fuel

Daniel Pauly: “Peak Fish and Other Ocean Realities” | The Great Simplification #15 3,110

7 Shades of Jekyll and Hyde | Frankly #14 3,015

John Gowdy: “Superorganisms, Crazy Ants, and Fire Apes, Oh My!" | The Great Simplification #14 2,891

Betsy Taylor: “Finding Hope in Nature-Based Solutions” | The Great Simplification #43 2,791

The State of Our Species 2020: Earth Day Talk Q&A - (Nate Hagens) 2,548

Mary Evelyn Tucker: “Religion, Ecology, and the Future” | The Great Simplification #40 2,475

Marty Kearns: “Building Networks in Uncertain Times” | The Great Simplification #41 2,273