What is this?

Energy Blind’ is a term used to describe behaviour or decision-making that ignores the energy inputs, outputs, efficiency, and related externalized costs associated with economic activities. The ‘blindness’ can occur both at the individual and institutional level, where individuals, corporations, and governments make decisions without considering the underlying energy constraints and associated costs of their actions. This type of decision-making is often unsustainable in the long-term, as externalized costs that bypass balance-sheet accounting accumulate, eventually causing financial and ecological distress.

See also: fossil fuel, nuclear power, renewable energy, electric car, wind turbine

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Paul Ehrlich: “Was the Population Bomb Defused?” | The Great Simplification #09 5,830

The Speed Bump | Frankly #12 5,526

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The 7 Stages of Climate Awareness | Frankly #10 5,213

Josh Farley: "Money, Money, Money” | The Great Simplification #29 5,059

Creatures United - Frankly #9 4,419

Rex Weyler: “Crisis in the Ecology Movement” | The Great Simplification #11 4,228

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Sebastian Heitmann: “Gigacorns” | The Great Simplification #38 3,613