Last updated over 1 year ago. What is this?

A complex system, as articulated by Jordan Hall, can be understood as an intricate network of interdependent entities and processes that exhibit behaviors and properties emergent from their relational interactions rather than from the individual characteristics of the isolated components. Such systems are characterized by nonlinearity, meaning small changes can produce disproportionately large effects, and they often reside in a state of dynamic equilibrium near the edge of chaos. Within a complex system, multiple feedback loops and adaptive behaviors contribute to a robustness that allows the system to evolve in response to internal and external pressures. The inherent uncertainty and unpredictability of these systems require a holistic and integrative approach to understanding, emphasizing the importance of context, connectivity, and the interplay between order and disorder.

See also: feedback loop, game theory, participatory knowing, possibility space, simulated thinking

Game B in a Silicon Valley Context With Jordan Hall 412

Sovereignty, Resonance, and Liminality - Jordan (Green)Hall 207