What is this?

Blue Church is a term coined by Jordan Greenhall to describe prevailing ‘power frame’ of information, digitization, and cultural production in the 21st Century. It is characterized by networks of communities, collective evolutionary algorithms, the idea that authority, control, and sovereignty should be collaborative and distributed. Its specific technologies include blockchains, strong AI, and edge computing. The underlying philosophy of Blue Church is decentralization, self-governance, collective production of meaning, and learning from the peer-to-peer network of collective intelligence. In this vision, organization and governance become decentralized and humanity is able to work together to organize and become more sophisticated and efficient.

See also: complex system, collective intelligence, distributed cognition, feedback loop, game theory

Combining Intuition with Rational Mind – a more effective solution in Business with Jordan Greenhall 201

Member Sensemaking Call, Jordan Hall 'The Unfolding Meta-Crisis' 170

Radio Evolve #456 - Are We in a Crisis of Sense Making? (With Jordan Hall) 124

Developing Sovereignty is the Key to a Better Humanity | Jordan Hall 43