What is this?

Solar energy is an energy source derived from the radiation emitted by the Sun and harnessed in various ways to generate electricity and provide direct or indirect lighting and heating. Solar energy is a renewable source of energy, meaning it is sustainable and can be used indefinitely given enough sunlight. Solar energy has become particularly important as a reliable source of energy due to its availability and ability to be used for various applications with minimal environmental impacts.

See also: climate change, emergence, evolutionary computing

Currents 031: Trent Loos on Family Ranching 52

EP15 Futurist David Brin on The Case for Optimism 46

EP 169 Roar Bjonnes on Growing a New Economy 40

Currents 066: Matthew Pirkowski on Emergence in Possibility Space 24

Currents 071: Liam Madden on Rebirthing Democracy 7

Currents 049: Ashley Colby & Jason Snyder on Doomer Optimism 7