What is this?

Regenerative is a term that describes the process of restoring an environment or system to a higher level of functioning that surpasses its original condition. This is achieved through the implementation of measures that support and enhance the frequently neglected natural resources and elements that are essential to the health and recovery of an ecosystem. Such measures may include soil restoration, species rejuvenation, waterway recovery, and ecosystem management. Regenerative processes take place on multiple scales, ranging from local communities to the global food system, and may be implemented either in succession or simultaneously. By focusing on regenerative processes, people can create lasting benefits that improve the health and resilience of a system far into the future.

See also: emergence, evolutionary computing, evolutionary psychology

EP103 James Ehrlich on Regen Villages 174

EP38 Tristan Harris on Humane Tech 173

EP93 Brent Cooper on Critique, Consensus & Politics 167

EP74 Daniel Christian Wahl on Regeneration Dynamics 165

Currents 018: The Future Thinkers Smart Village 154

EP91 Joe Brewer on Applied Cultural Evolution 148

EP83 Michel Bauwens on Our Commons Transition 120

EP122 Ashley Colby on Subsistence Agriculture 111

Currents 043: Lene Rachel Andersen on Bildung 101

Currents 029: Vance Crowe on the “Well-Actually” Graph 101