What is this?

Psychedelics are substances that can alter perception, mood, emotion, and behavior, often resulting in a more spiritual, expanded, and shifted state of consciousness. These psychedelics can range from natural compounds like ayahuasca, DMT and peyote, to synthetic compounds like LSD. Through use of these compounds, users often report feelings of oneness and peace with the surrounding universe, increased creativity and insight, and increased acceptance of one’s spiritual aspect. Many reported experiences can be substantially different between users, ranging from spiritual and life-altering to simply recreational. However, whether taken recreationally or spiritually, psychedelic substances have been studied and reported to have significant differences in brainwave activity and have been linked to a number of therapeutic benefits.

See also: emergence, evolution, quantum mechanics

EP 164 John Markoff on the Many Lives of Stewart Brand 9

Currents 049: Ashley Colby & Jason Snyder on Doomer Optimism 7