What is this?

Protocol refers to a set of rules that dictate how two or more entities interact with one another. It serves as the language that both parties use to communicate and establish meaningful relationships so that they may communicate and cooperate effectively. Protocols describe the way data is formatted and transmitted, the specific messages exchanged between parties, and the processes that are followed to ensure data integrity and security. Protocols are an essential component of networking and communication, and they help ensure various devices can share, store, and access information.

See also: crypto, evolution, emergence, game theory

EP87 Joscha Bach on Theories of Consciousness 7,303

EP 170 John Vervaeke and Jordan Hall on The Religion That Is Not a Religion 3,060

EP26 Jordan Hall on the Game B Emergence 1,943

EP80 Daniel Schmachtenberger on Better Sensemaking 1,750

EP 153 Forrest Landry on Small Group Method 1,421

EP31 Forrest Landry on Building our Future 1,156

EP65 Tyson Yunkaporta on Indigenous Complexity 915

EP95 Alexander Bard on God in the Internet Age 819

EP57 Zak Stein on Education in a Time Between Worlds 737

EP8 Jordan “Greenhall” Hall and Game B 735