What is this?

Open source refers to software where the source code is open to the public and can be reused, modified, and even redistributed by anyone. It differs from closed source software, which contains proprietary code and can only be used in specific ways governed by a license. Open source software is developed in a collaborative fashion, typically with input from a variety of sources, and is often released for free. This helps to promote innovation, creativity, and independence by allowing developers to customize the software to suit their specific needs and to contribute to the development of the software for the benefit of the public.

See also: evolution, crypto, emergence, free will

EP21 Roman Yampolskiy on the Outer Limits of AI 46

EP15 Futurist David Brin on The Case for Optimism 46

EP28 Mark Burgess on Promise Theory, AI & Spacetime 45

Extra: Key COVID-19 Decisions with John Robb 38

EP 164 John Markoff on the Many Lives of Stewart Brand 9

Currents 049: Ashley Colby & Jason Snyder on Doomer Optimism 7

Currents 075: Michael Nielsen on Metascience 3