What is this?

A monetary system is a system that facilitates the use of money as a medium of exchange. It is composed of three elements: a currency, a payment instrument, and a mechanism for establishing payments. Currency can take the form of coins or bills, while payment instruments include cash, checks, and other forms of digital money. The mechanism used to transfer payments is usually a financial institution or an online payment platform. In a good monetary system, the currency should be valued by its users and there should be sufficient liquidity and an appropriate level of trust in the system. All these components should work together to enable an efficient and stable process of exchange.

See also: crypto, evolution, evolutionary computing, money-on-money return, mutual credit

EP70 Art Brock & Fernanda Ibarra on Currencies 178

EP93 Brent Cooper on Critique, Consensus & Politics 167

Currents 019: Alexander Beiner on Indigenous Narcissism 151

EP83 Michel Bauwens on Our Commons Transition 120

EP50 Joe Brewer on Earth Regeneration 76

EP47 Mark Burgess on the Physics of Money 60

Currents 074: Serge Faguet on Building Metacommunity 15