Last updated over 1 year ago. What is this?

Jim Rutt defines the 'flow state' as a psychological state where an individual experiences complete immersion and focused involvement in an activity. In this state, a person feels a seamless fusion between mind and action, often resulting in heightened creativity, productivity, and overall performance. Rutt emphasizes that this phenomenon is characterized by a balance between the challenge level of the task and the individual's skill level, creating an optimal experience where self-consciousness diminishes and the sense of time transforms—hours can pass by like minutes. This state is not just about peak performance but is also accompanied by intrinsic enjoyment and satisfaction. For Rutt, understanding and harnessing the flow state is crucial for achieving both personal and professional fulfillment.

See also: emergence, self-organization, edge of chaos, evolutionary psychology

EP27 Jamie Wheal on Flow & the Future of Culture 171

EP127 Jonathan Rowson on The Moves That Matter 145

Currents 043: Lene Rachel Andersen on Bildung 101

EP37 Jared Janes on Spirituality 38