What is this?

Deep learning is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that is inspired by the structure and function of the brain. It uses algorithms to model complex data in a nonlinear manner, allowing it to develop meaningful understanding and generate accurate predictions. These algorithms process data both in the form of input layers and hidden layers which make up a series of neural networks. This allows deep learning systems to continuously refine their processes to adjust how they interpret and respond to data, enabling them to make decisions and predictions more accurately than traditional machine learning methods.

See also: artificial intelligence, neural network, emergence, evolutionary computing, game theory

EP19 John Robb on Asymmetric & Networked Conflict & Strategy 68

EP2 Robin Hanson – Decision Making and “The Age of Em” 67

EP94 Shahin Farshchi on Self-Driving Tech 57

EP33 Melanie Mitchell on the Elements of AI 53

EP21 Roman Yampolskiy on the Outer Limits of AI 46

EP28 Mark Burgess on Promise Theory, AI & Spacetime 45

EP25 Gary Marcus on Rebooting AI 44

EP20 Pamela McCorduck on Her Life & Times with AI 19

EP 171 Bruce Damer Part 2: The Origins of Life - Implications 18