What is this?

Complexity science is an interdisciplinary field of study that focuses on the understanding of complex systems. It seeks to explain the patterns and behavior of such systems using a variety of different methods. This includes using concepts from probability theory, statistics, dynamic systems, computer science, and complexity theory. It aims to provide frameworks and techniques to make predictions from observed data and to identify emergent behaviors in a system. Studies into complexity often involve observing the interactions between agents, or elements, within a system and applying interdisciplinary approaches to make sense of the collective behavior that emerges from these agents.

See also: agent-based modeling, emergence, evolutionary computing, evolutionary psychology, complex system

EP9 Joe Norman: Applied Complexity 428

EP82 Hanzi Freinacht on Building a Metamodern Future 400

EP105 Christof Koch on Consciousness 370

Currents 010: Tyson Yunkaporta on Humans As Custodial Species 342

EP 155 Iain McGilchrist Part 2: The Matter With Things 301

EP18 Stuart Kauffman on Complexity, Biology & T.A.P. 300

Currents 003: Joe Norman on Localism & Scales of Cooperation 287

EP138 Brian Arthur on the Nature of Technology 287