What is this?

Bottom-up is a term used to describe the process of solving a problem or achieving an objective. It involves starting with the simplest of tasks and gradually building up greater complexity until the desired result is achieved. Bottom-up strategies can be seen in many disciplines, ranging from software engineering, where bottom-up development may involve breaking a problem down into smaller parts and gradually coding them together, to biology, where bottom-up experimentation involves starting from the most basic components of an organism and attempting to piece together a higher level of functioning. Bottom-up approaches thus focus on the small-scale or “micro” parts of a system, and are oftentimes an effective way to develop a large-scale system or solution.

See also: emergence, evolutionary computing, evolution, self-organization

EP42 Jessika Trancik on Tech & Research vs Climate Change 78

Extra: On COVID-19 Opportunities with Jessica Flack 69

EP19 John Robb on Asymmetric & Networked Conflict & Strategy 68

EP86 Nadav Zeimer on Educational Reform 67

EP28 Mark Burgess on Promise Theory, AI & Spacetime 45

Currents 066: Matthew Pirkowski on Emergence in Possibility Space 24

Currents 063: Jessica Flack on nth-Order Effects of the Russia-Ukraine War 8

Currents 053: Matthew Pirkowski on Grammars of Emergence 2