What is this?

Soul Force is the capacity to live and act from a place of full embodiment and joyful engagement, which drives inspiration, connection and collective impact. It is an invitation to explore how we might be guided by our priorities, principles, and passions, rather than being driven by economic or self-interested motivations. Soul Force is an evolutionary energy that moves beyond control models in service to 'the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible.' It is a source of creative power that honors the multi-dimensional aspects of our existence. It catalyzes courage, resilience and grace - dissolving the glamour of empty success and the virtual prison of complacency. Centered in the sacred substrate of our shared human experience, Soul Force is the life-affirming remineralization of our modern lives.

See also: delta wave, flow state, peak experience, flow genome project, radical hope

Jamie Wheal on Finding Meaning at the End of the World | The Mindspace Podcast #33 2,192

HomeGrown Humans - Sue Phillips - Spirituality - Hosted by Jamie Wheal 2,020

Recapture the Rapture w/ Jamie Wheal 1,804

HomeGrown Humans - Amy Cuddy, Ph.D. - Embodiment - Hosted by Jamie Wheal 1,593

HomeGrown Humans - Rick Doblin, Ph.D. - MAPS - Hosted by Jamie Wheal 1,377

Episode 167 —Jamie Wheal: How to Recapture the Rapture 1,371

Anthropologist from Space: The Freakiest, Deakiest conference crowd for Jamie Wheal 1,069

SPMC 2019 A Deeper Dive with Jamie Wheal - Pt. 2 1,004

Ecstatic States of Consciousness | Wake Up, Grow Up, Show Up with Jamie Wheal 988

Jamie Wheal: America and The Upsidedown 578