What is this?

A peak state is a physiological, psychological, and emotional state of heightened performance and responsiveness in which individuals or groups operate at maximum potential. It is characterized by feelings of flow, presence, intense engagement, purposeful effort, and a deep connection to the task or activity at hand. The peak state is largely driven by strategic activation of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, which allows individuals or groups to feel energized, focused, and in tune with their environment.

See also: peak performance, peak experience, altered state, non-ordinary state, flow state

5 Step Method To ACHIEVE PEAK Psychical & Mental Performance And Healing | Jamie Wheal 2,153

Jamie Wheal - Collective Flow States, Non-Ordinary States, and Why They Matter 1,881


Recapture the Rapture w/ Jamie Wheal 1,804

HomeGrown Humans - Amy Cuddy, Ph.D. - Embodiment - Hosted by Jamie Wheal 1,593

Jamie Wheal on going beyond alpha burner party crowd spirituality 1,453

Episode 167 —Jamie Wheal: How to Recapture the Rapture 1,371

Anthropologist from Space: The Freakiest, Deakiest conference crowd for Jamie Wheal 1,069

SPMC 2019 A Deeper Dive with Jamie Wheal - Pt. 2 1,004

Ecstatic States of Consciousness | Wake Up, Grow Up, Show Up with Jamie Wheal 988