What is this?

Peak performance is a state of optimal functioning and creative flow that can be achieved by highly skilled athletes, musicians, or businesspeople. It is a combination of psychological, physical, and emotional capacities, in which the individual is able to perform at the highest levels of their ability. Peak performance occurs when fear and doubt are transcended, and an individual is able to tap into their limitless potential — fully focused and in tune with their environment and surroundings. If applied strategically and consistently, it can lead to accomplishments beyond anything imaginable.

See also: peak experience, flow state, altered state, non-ordinary state, brain stem

Jamie Wheal - Hacking Humans: The Source Code Behind Ultimate Performance 3,259

Jamie Wheal - Live Q&A with Future Thinkers Members 3,090

HomeGrown Humans - Douglas Rushkoff - Team Human - Hosted by Jamie Wheal 2,397

Jamie Wheal on going beyond alpha burner party crowd spirituality 1,453

Episode 167 —Jamie Wheal: How to Recapture the Rapture 1,371

Episode 88 – Jamie Wheal – Flow States, Creativity, Consciousness (Co-Author: Stealing Fire) 1,053

Jamie Wheal Interview 629

Conspirituality 47: Is An Ethical Cult Possible? (w/Jamie Wheal) 594