What is this?

An infinite game is a metaphor for life expressed through the lens of game theory. It is an emergent process which cannot be defined by the outcome of any single finite game, instead it creates a set of interconnected and interdependent contexts for continuous exploration, collaboration and innovation. It is a game of sustainable growth, creativity and tenacity, with no predetermined rules that can be measured by traditional rewards or success. Instead of being result-oriented and fixed, the infinite game is open-ended and requires that we continuously seek out ways to renew and reward our collective contributions towards a common goal.

See also: flow state, game theory, peak experience, peak performance, altered state

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How to Make Meaning in Challenging Times — with Jamie Wheal 1,235

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Conspirituality 47: Is An Ethical Cult Possible? (w/Jamie Wheal) 594

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Rethinking God, Sex And Death In a World That's Lost Its Mind | Jamie Wheal 543

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Healing and Peak States with Jamie Wheal 491