What is this?

Communitas is a term used to describe the power of unity and interdependence that is created when humans come together in shared emotional states. This state transcends the boundaries of class, gender, culture, language, and social norms, allowing for communal identity and mutual understanding. Despite rules and societal structures, communitas creates a space where all members of the group are on a level playing field, allowing individuals to tap into the collective unconscious and their inherent spiritual energy. Communitas creates a sense of connectedness and belonging, allowing for collective and communal healing, understanding, and progress.

See also: peak experience, authentic relating, psychedelic experience, collective intelligence, transformational culture

Ecstatic States of Consciousness | Wake Up, Grow Up, Show Up with Jamie Wheal 988

Conspirituality 47: Is An Ethical Cult Possible? (w/Jamie Wheal) 594

Jamie Wheal: America and The Upsidedown 578

Recapture the Rapture: A Conversation with Jamie Wheal 497

"How to Get To Flow State" w/Jamie Wheal, Author "Stealing Fire" & Jesse Richman, Kiting World Champ 483

BWB-BRC Speaker Series 2020: Grow Up and Show Up (Jamie Wheal) 450

Jamie Wheal - Maslow's Pyramid Scheme 421

Clip: Jamie Wheal (Stealing Fire) On Ethical Cults 302

Jamie Wheal - The Life Changing Magic of leveling up 292

Jamie Wheal - The Agony or the Ecstasy: The Future of Optimum Performance 281