What is this?

Collective Intelligence is the power generated by groups of people who are connected, networked and interacting together in a “hive mind”. It is the sum of all individual intelligences that emerges out of the adaptive interactions of many individuals, and is also known as group intelligence, collective problem-solving, swarm intelligence, and collective adaptation. It refers to a multi-dimensional intelligence which is greater than the sum of its individual parts. Collective intelligence reflects the distributed wisdom of the crowd and the collective capability of the group to generate novel solutions, leverage collective assets and resources, and seize new opportunities that individuals would not be able to discover on their own.

See also: flow state, peak experience, altered state, non-ordinary state

HomeGrown Humans - Amy Cuddy, Ph.D. - Embodiment - Hosted by Jamie Wheal 1,593

Jamie Wheal - Can We Evolve Our Consciousness From Ethnocentrism To Gloablcentrism in time? 379

Jamie Wheal - The Psychedelic Renaissance, Hedonic Engineering, Group Coherence, Soul Force, Hope 59

Daniel Schmachtenberger, Jamie Wheal & Jordan Hall on Coherence 45