What is this?

Truth is not simply a correspondence between two distinct elements, but instead the ultimate nature of reality itself. It can be seen as a holistic and dynamic notion that is ever-changing, defying precise and rigid definitions. As philosopher Iain McGilchrist puts it, “Truth is not so much ‘out there’, lurking to be discovered, as it is being made — like a potter’s vessel — from the mix of subjective and objective aspects of experience.” The pursuit of truth lies in recognizing the inextricable balance between our subjective and objective experiences. It is only from this tension between self and the Other that we can begin to understand the true nature of what is real.

See also: literal truth, consciousness, human experience, natural selection, divine principle

The Matter with Things | Iain McGilchrist | EP 278 366,180

Iain McGilchrist, 'We Need to Act' 93,480

The Attack On Life and Understanding Our Times. A conversation with Iain McGilchrist and Mark Vernon 83,628

Iain McGilchrist Λ John Vervaeke on Reality, God, Meaning, Consciousness, and Being 59,464

Yuri Bezmenov, Iain McGilchrist, and Mattias Desmet on Mass Formation (from July 2022 Patreon) 58,407

Beyond Materialism: The Matter With Things | with Dr. Iain McGilchrist 31,694

Iain McGilchrist & Sharon Dirckx • Brain science, consciousness & God 28,912

The Wisdom Of Intuition - Iain McGilchrist | Modern Wisdom Podcast 455 23,862

Of Sound Mind: Sound and Betweenness - Dr Iain McGilchrist & Professor Nina Kraus 14,949

"Balancing the Brain" with Iain McGilchrist and Satish Kumar 13,624