What is this?

Experience is the fundamental process by which we make sense of the world we inhabit. It is our recognition of the self as distinct from the environment, and how our understanding of inner and outer realities dynamically interweave to form a holistic perception. Experience transcends the mere accumulation of sensory input; as it combines inference and imagination with empirical evidence from moment-to-moment interaction. It engages the fullness of our human capacities such that aesthetic, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual aspects combine to give life its complexity and richness.

See also: human experience, right hemisphere, left hemisphere, brain, mind

A Conversation with Dr. Iain McGilchrist - The Future Scientist 21

What the world's made of... | Iain McGilchrist 12

The role of consciousness in nature: An interview with Dr. Iain McGilchrist, Part 2 7