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The term 'third attractor,' as elucidated by Daniel Schmachtenberger, refers to a hypothetical evolutionary path that transcends the dichotomy of traditional societal structures and their inherent pitfalls. In a world teetering between collapse under unsustainable practices and authoritarian control as a reactionary measure, the third attractor represents a paradigm rooted in synergistic coexistence, exponential technological advancement aligned with ethical considerations, and a system of governance that is both decentralized and integrative. This path leverages humanity's collective intelligence, fostering resilience and adaptability while maintaining ecological balance. It envisions a future where progress is harmonized with the well-being of all life forms, ensuring that innovation serves to enhance rather than exploit.

See also: nonlinear dynamics, confirmation bias, collective intelligence, epistemic commons, game theory

SURVIVING the God-Like Technology That Can Kill Us All | Daniel Schmachtenberger on AMP 74,334

In Search of the Third Attractor, Daniel Schmachtenberger (part 1) 59,879

In Search of the Third Attractor, Daniel Schmachtenberger (part 2) 27,436

Daniel Schmachtenberger: "Modeling the Drivers of the Metacrisis” | The Great Simplification #42 21,745

Parallax: Deep Future - with Daniel Schmachtenberger and Alexander Bard 20,142

Daniel Schmachtenberger || Towards a Radical Cultural Enlightenment 20,042

The Metacrisis with Daniel Schmachtenberger | Part 1 | Green Pill #26 16,257

Daniel Schmachtenberger – Existential Risk and Phase Shifting to a New World System 15,649

Superstructures with Daniel Schmachtenberger | Green Pill #32 10,384

Homegrown Humans - Daniel Schmachtenberger - Collective Intelligence - 10-11-22 6,475