What is this?

Sensemaking is the process of constructing mental models and meaning from ongoing environmental input in order to respond effectively. It refers to the cognitive and interpretive processes used to interpret, analyze and make sense of complex situations in order to inform our decisions and actions. Sensemaking involves understanding patterns and relationships between events, organizing them into concepts or hypotheses and then forming mental models of the system in which they are embedded. It becomes increasingly important in uncertain and unpredictable environments due to its ability to provide a framework for dealing with complex, multidimensional issues.

See also: decision making, complexity science, collective intelligence, systems thinking, emergent property

SURVIVING the God-Like Technology That Can Kill Us All | Daniel Schmachtenberger on AMP 74,334

rp daily: a conversation that will blow your mind with Daniel Schmachtenberger 68,996

War on Sensemaking 4: Pandemic & Conspiracy, Daniel Schmachtenberger 62,569

In Search of the Third Attractor, Daniel Schmachtenberger (part 1) 59,879

Daniel Schmachtenberger “Bend Not Break Part 1: Energy Blindness” | The Great Simplification #05 50,646

Covid 19 Situational Assessment, Risk Landscape & Possible Solutions, Daniel Schmachtenberger 47,696

The Power of Gods with Daniel Schmachtenberger S2 [Ep 16] 47,539

How To STEER Civilization Away From CATASTROPHE with Daniel Schmachtenberger | Aubrey Marcus Podcast 43,890

How To Avoid A Civilisation Collapse - Daniel Schmachtenberger (Corona Virus) 42,302

"Our Democracy is Dead" Breakdown of Markets and Culture (Daniel Schmachtenberger & Bret Weinstein) 34,780