What is this?

Narrative warfare is a form of socio-political warfare aimed at influencing the beliefs, values, and decision-making of targeted populations. This is done by creating and amplifying stories of a desired narrative to shape the information environment and ultimately shape the public discourse. Through the continual reinforcement of a specific narrative, or the weakening of an opposing narrative, narrative warfare can produce an impact far greater than what can be achieved through traditional tools of combat.

See also: arms race, collective action, collective intelligence, decision making

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Does our society incentivize disinformation? | Daniel Schmachtenberger 11,892

Daniel Schmachtenberger Explains Naive Techno Capital Optimism. Steven Pinker, Gates, Hans Rosling) 11,811

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MEMETICS | How Bad Ideas Spread | Daniel Schmachtenberger 4,422

The Breakdown of Society and 2020 Election | Daniel Schmachtenberger 3,934

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