What is this?

Exponential technology is a term used to refer to the high speed of technological advancement and its capacity to alter many aspects of modern life. As a concept, exponential technology explores the possibilities of accelerating the rate of technological innovation and the impact it has on various sectors such as healthcare, transport, education, renewable energy, travel, urbanisation and manufacturing. This form of technology is often characterised by its potential to create new markets, open up existing markets to long-term growth, and create new opportunities in hitherto unknown fields. In essence, exponential technology is the use of technology to improve processes and speed up the rate of innovation.

See also: exponential growth, artificial intelligence, network dynamics, decision making, systems thinking

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57: Daniel Schmachtenberger - What Causes Existential Risks? Pt. 1 9,247

Homegrown Humans - Daniel Schmachtenberger - Collective Intelligence - 10-11-22 6,475

58: Daniel Schmachtenberger - Solving The Causes of Existential Risks, Pt.2 4,758

Can Human Biases be Conditioned with Daniel Schmachtenberger 4,522

Civilization as a Paperclip Maximizer - Daniel Schmachtenberger 3,737

Utopia or Bust: Designing a Non Self-Terminating Civilization - Daniel Schmachtenberger 3,656

DANIEL SCHMACHTENBERGER on the 2050 Life Purpose Podcast – Building a New Civilization 3,274

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