What is this?

Epistemic commons is the shared access to knowledge and information for the purpose of collective learning and problem-solving. It is composed of both explicit and implicit forms of knowledge that come from collective knowledge networks, which can be open and accessible to anyone. The epistemic commons provides a platform for collaboration, meaning it enables collective approaches to problem-solving by leveraging new combinations of ideas and perspectives. By cultivating a communal atmosphere of collaboration, the epistemic commons contributes to creative, collective problem-solving, paving the way for wider innovation.

See also: collective action, coordination failure, collective intelligence, decision making, network theory

Daniel Schmachtenberger: "Bend Not Break Part 5" | The Great Simplification #50 13,691

Daniel Schmachtenberger | Are We Currently Fighting World War III? (#71) 10,038

Epistemology & the Making of Sense - Daniel Schmachtenberger at the Buckminster Fuller Institute 6,128

Utopia or Bust: Designing a Non Self-Terminating Civilization - Daniel Schmachtenberger 3,656

Currents 030: Daniel Schmachtenberger on The Consilience Project 2,687

Utopia or Bust Designing a Non Self Terminating Civilization Daniel Schmachtenberger - on Emerge. 2,454

EP80 Daniel Schmachtenberger on Better Sensemaking 1,555

Addressing the Sensemaking Crisis: The Consilience Project w/ Daniel Schmachtenberger @ Dent 1,351