What is this?

Confirmation bias is the tendency for an individual to interpret and seek out only information that confirms or validates their existing beliefs. It can be an effect of psychological factors, such as the need for social acceptance or to maintain one's self-image, and can impede an individual's capacity to objectively consider data or evidence that contradicts or clashes with their own point of view. Confirmation bias reduces an individual's potential to learn from new input and can lead to the persistence of false beliefs.

See also: decision making, collective action, collective intelligence, conflict theory, coordination failure

Homegrown Humans - Daniel Schmachtenberger - Collective Intelligence - 10-11-22 6,475

Epistemology & the Making of Sense - Daniel Schmachtenberger at the Buckminster Fuller Institute 6,128

Perspectives - Daniel Schmachtenberger, Fedor Holz 4,867

Currents 030: Daniel Schmachtenberger on The Consilience Project 2,687