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In the liminal spaces where boundaries blur and certainty dissolves, the trickster emerges as a shape-shifting agent of chaos and transformation. As Bayo Akomolafe might articulate, the trickster is the cosmic interlocutor who disassembles the rigid architectures of conventional wisdom, inviting us to dance with the shadows of our unknown selves. This mischievous spirit is neither villain nor hero but a sacred ambiguity that beckons us to question, to disrupt, and ultimately to reimagine the narratives that bind us. In the trickster’s playful subversion, we find a mirror reflecting our deepest paradoxes and a doorway to untamed possibilities. Here, in the liminality conjured by the trickster, we encounter the whispers of a more expansive reality, one that celebrates the fertile disorder from which true creativity springs. Thus, the trickster becomes both guide and challenger, an animating force within the sacred dance of life's intricate unpredictability.

See also: intergenerational trauma, black geographies, white supremacy, post activism

Session #4 with Dr. Bayo Akomolafe — Thought Leadership for Systems Transformation (TLST '22) 26,509

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Is There a Solution for Climate Change? Bayo Akomolafe 17,119

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Earth Talk: The Gods of the Discarded with Bayo Akomolafe 9,926

Bayo Akomolafe | Let Us Make Sanctuary 9,230

Cancel Culture and the limits of Identity Politics with Bayo Akomolafe 8,657

Bayo Akomolafe: How I Am Unlearning My Whiteness (May 2017) 6,345

Pat McCabe & Bayo Akomolafe - Trickster, monster, other: new and ancient ways of seeing in the dark 5,644

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